Wednesday, May 18, 2011

View from the Watertower, an aerial view of the Hawkeyes

The Big Ten coaches meetings are underway this week in Chicago and surprisingly there have been several news stories about the Iowa Hawkeyes.

Adam Robinson is no longer a Hawkeye. Now this isn’t really news since he hasn’t been with the team since his December suspension. However this week head coach Kirk Ferentz confirmed that Adam will not be a member of the football team again and will be transferring. With the lack of proven running back depth, many fans were hoping that Adam would right the ship and be welcomed back on the team. Look for Adam to surface at the D2 level, most likely UNI, where he would still have two years to play. More information can be found here:

Brad Rodgers still isn’t working out. In preparation for the bowl game last year it was discovered that RB Brad Rodgers has a heart condition and he has not worked out since that time. This week Ferentz confirmed that they are optimistic that Brad will be able to resume football activities sometime this summer and be ready for the season to start. This could be a big deal for Iowa as Brad is the only fullback on the roster to have any experience and the fact that he could carry the ball as well as block would give Iowa something they haven’t had since Jason Allen.

Hawks under the knife. Jim Poggi, who was one of the 13 that suffered from rhabdomyolysis, has had two off-season shoulder surgeries and could be looking at a medical red shirt this season. Poggi red shirted last season in his first season with the Hawks. Receiver Marvin McNutt and Tanner Miller are both on track to resume football activities this summer after having shoulder surgeries in the off season.

Night game. Kirk Ferentz hinted that he believes that Iowa will only have one night game this fall. Speculation has been rampant that it will be October 15, when Northwestern visits Kinnick Stadium. With the Wildcats recent domination of Iowa, it could be a very big game for Iowa. You can read about this stories here:

Making the grade. Ferentz confirmed today that prize 2011 recruit, RB Rodney Coe, has not qualified for admission yet. Apparently he needs to raise his ACT/SAT score and Ferentz seemed optimistic that this would happen. If he doesn’t get the score needed, hopefully Iowa will help get him into a prep school or JUCO and keep tabs on him.

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